
2024年 日本選抜美術協会主催第48回国際美術展で


2023年 日本選抜美術協会主催第47回国際美術展にてF50号の明日への扉


2022年 日本選抜美術協会主催第46回国際美術展にてF30号の猛き戦士と天使が上位受賞し東京国立美術館展示(日本選抜美術協会のホームページ掲載)

2021年 日本選抜美術協会主催第45回国際美術展にてF30号の幸福のライオンが奨励賞受賞・寄り添う二人が入選し(日本選抜美術協会ホームページ上掲載)

Adulthood Era

In 2024, at the 48th International Art Exhibition hosted by the Japan Selection Art Association,

I painted a large piece titled “The Pancake of Happiness” (F100 size) and received the Chairman’s Award.

It is scheduled to be exhibited at the National Museum of Art in Tokyo and featured on the official website.

In 2023, at the 47th International Art Exhibition hosted by the Japan Selection Art Association,

my piece “The Door to Tomorrow” (F50 size), featuring “Elephant that Grants Dreams,

” won the Encouragement Award and was exhibited at the National Museum of Art in Tokyo

(featured on the Japan Selection Art Association’s official website). In 2022

at the 46th International Art Exhibition hosted by the Japan Selection Art Association

my piece “Fierce Warrior and Angel” (F30 size) received a high award and was exhibited at the National Museum of Art in Tokyo

(featured on the Japan Selection Art Association’s official website).

In 2021, at the 45th International Art Exhibition hosted by the Japan

Selection Art Association, my piece “The Lion of Happiness”

(F30 size) won the Encouragement Award,

and “Two People Nestling Together”

was selected for exhibition

(featured on the Japan Selection Art Association’s official website).

If there are any specific terms or adjustments you would like, please let me know!


1991年~1993年 春のスケッチ大会熊本城の絵で特別賞受賞学年(二人)(最高賞) を二度経験し、RKK・TV局にて受賞式に参加を二度経験し、小学6年の時に創造も取り入れたクジャクの絵で天賞受賞 その他公園の景色の絵で熊本市賞を受賞する等その他沢山の入選を獲得!!!

Childhood Era

From 1991 to 1993, I participated twice in the Spring Sketch Contest with drawings of Kumamoto Castle,

receiving the Special Prize (highest award)

in my grade (two students) both times.

I attended the award ceremonies at RKK TV station twice.

In the 6th grade, I won the Heaven Prize

for a creative drawing of a peacock.

Additionally, I received the Kumamoto City Prize

for a landscape painting of a park and achieved many other selections and awards.

c 2024 BY CREATIVE CORNER(著作権表示の例)

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